Leet Code Problem: Find the point that visited the most by runner after he finished training, i.e. in above example, point 2 is the most visited. If more than one point are visited the most, find the point with minimum index.

 public class SprintVisitsProblem {

public static int getmostvisited(int n, int[] sprints) { int[] arr = new int[n+2]; for (int i = 0; i < sprints.length-1; i++) { int start = Math.min(sprints[i], sprints[i+1]); int end = Math.max(sprints[i], sprints[i+1]); arr[start] += 1; arr[end + 1] -= 1; } int ans = -1; int s = 0; int maxi = -1; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { arr[i] += s; s = arr[i]; if (s > maxi) { maxi = s; ans = i; } } return ans; }
